Friday, April 18, 2008

Shakin' Things Up!

Thought this picture that Lucas took of Lilly hanging upside down might bode well for today with all the shaking and quaking that is going on! Not sure if you felt the earthquake this morning but I sure did. I was actually up in Kokomo at my friend Kelley's house and was sleeping with Lucas in the same bed. I woke up about 5:45 to what I thought was Lucas continually kicking the bed but when I realized he was asleep and that everything in the room was rattling I wasn't sure what to think! Definitely couldn't be an earthquake in Indiana...must just be a jet from Grissom flying really fast overhead shaking the house. Oh well...back to sleep (for 15 minutes till Lucas was wide eyed and bushy tailed) What is it with early risers?? Did you wake from shake?


The Sandoval Family said...

I woke up at 4:39 and thought I was trembling from having a bad dream so I rolled over and went back to sleep. Can you believe we felt it all the way up in Chicago area?

Roys Photography said...

I have no idea what you are talking about, I must of been fast asleep or had no idea what I had possible heard or felt. But I am glad (I guess) that you got to experience that.

Melanie said...

too crazy! tremors can be so random. i remember when i was in the 3rd grade, we lived in ohio and i was at my desk and it started to shake. i tried to tell my teacher but it was over by the time i tried to explain what happened, and when i did she didn't believe me. but it later came out that night that the area had had a slight earthquake! anyways, glad it was fun and not scary!

Tam said...

I was asleep but Steve wondered about a jet going over. I'm sorry I missed it. I love Lilly's and Lucas's picture on your blog pics--they're picture hams!!