Monday, January 26, 2009

Yes, I am slacking....

Ok, so far this year I have been blog slacking. For those of you who miss me, I am sorry. It seems true for most of my fellow bloggers actually, well at least towards the beggining of the month. What is it about a New year? Are you trying to "put certain things in order" or "figure out the meaning of your life" or create your list of "resolutions" that all of the sudden you are behind and you haven't even accomplished anything? That is where I seem right now.
Work is slow, so I can't use that as an excuse, possibly the fact that I haven't really had too many things exciting happening that you want to hear about, and I am really not going to write a bunch of "downer" blogs and bring everyone down a depressing level of my life right now, so I will share what is happy and positive and still show off my beautiful (and handsome) children and all of their wonderful capabilities.
So what HAVE we been doing lately? ...well we did change Lilly's crib into a toddler bed. I might be regretting that decision a bit since I have woken a few times to her door opening and her tearing down the hallway at 6:30. She use to be one who would wake up and kinda play in her crib for awhile before wanting to enter our world (miss that already), but now she is just ready to go the minute she is awake, which seems to be as early as her brother...yikes. She is pretty good about staying in her bed though when we put her down and isn't at the stage yet of fighting naps...thank God.

Lucas on the other hand is at that stage of being 4 and not wanting to take naps. Problem being he wakes up at 6-6:30 and is VERY crabby and easy to break down in the evening if no nap has taken place. So for right now, we will continue naps which I am sure will soon turn to "quiet time" in you room to at least give mommy a little break, right?
The other reason life is insane right now is because my children have been sick for about 2 months now. Maybe healthy for a few days in between but seriously have been to the doc about every other week. I will just run down the list quickly. Lucas: stomach flu, croup, wheezing, double ear infection. Lilly: croup, ear infection, stomach flu, wheezing, ear infection again, and now it has turned into a double ear infection. Seriously. At least they take their medicine well and isn't too much of a fight to get them to do their breathing treatments everyday which we have to continue through the winter...sweet. So, needless to say there has been a bit of a hearing problem at our house lately...well at least above and beyond the typical "hearing problem" that 2 and 4 year olds seem to have!


Melanie said...

Well, i have missed you! I don't know what it was about the new year and getting behind. I was in a 2 week funk, but seem to be coming out of it. keep us updated on your life! If it makes you feel any better about your life, we had to change Drew to a big boy bed to discourage him from waking up in his crib, and taking off his diaper and "playing quietly" with his poop. See, life is messy everywhere!

Tam said...

Looks like Wrigley has more choices now!--a boy and his dog and a girl and her dog...looks like I missed some pictures and blogs--the January blahs--blah, blah, blah........

The Johnston Family said...

i love you, i love you...throughout all the things life brings your way, there's always so many that love you. hang in there and always find the things that make you smile.

designHER Momma said...

things will get better....they have to right?

Sheila said...

Just remember this too shall pass!! Soon it will be Spring and the flowers will start blooming and we will all be heading outside!!!

Anonymous said...

I think it's that cold Indiana should consider a move to the beautiful warm state of California!!!!!!

Amy Neubert said...

Thinking of you often! Your children are adorable.