Thursday, January 29, 2009

Throwback Thursday- Baby Gym

Well I am trying to sell a few things on Craigs list to both make some money and get rid of stuff I don't need in my house anymore. Might be selling some baby items too, and of course every time you bring something out the kids always want to play...right? Always the case everytime they see the Baby Gym. This time it was just extra funny because they are both so big and it made me think of the last time they were both on it....
and you thought they only entertained 4 month olds!
this week (above) two years ago minus a week (below)
did you see any difference? ha!
and here is almost four years ago...and that is lucas and the dog, not lucas and lilly. hahaha. they do grow so fast don't they?


The Johnston Family said...

how adorable!! great job finding such similar pics! it all goes so fast!

Melanie said...

Haha, that is great that you had those old pictures! I have a picture somewhere of Justin trying to be in Hannah's bassinet. So funny how they still want to make a claim on their stuff no matter how too big they get for it!

P.S. I have a missed call from you, but no message, when did you call?? It's just showing me the time, not date.

Anonymous said...

Wow, Wrigley has grown up so fast! HEHE

Tam said...

What great throw-backs!

Anonymous said...

What else are you selling? I might be interested...send me an email if you can!