Monday, January 05, 2009

Christmas Catch up

Why is it that I always seem to start off the new year already behind? This is the last Christmas post and then maybe I will move onto things like...New Year resolutions...oh wait I am already a week late for that too! I guess I better make put tardiness on my resolution list. Wait, I think that was on there last year. Hmmmm.
christmas with the bishops = 7 reindeer on a couch,
and two snuggly cousins all cuddled up!
and catching up with long lost cousins who we don't see often enough!
christmas at the hess' = us getting everyone else sick and only a few pictures since the photographer was not feeling well...
We had a good and merry time (minus the flu). It was nice to see everyone even though our plans didn't work out exactly as scheduled. Can't wait to start the new year...oh wait it started without me!

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