Sunday, July 20, 2008

THIS is Lucas

Ok, sorry for the confusion. But this is Lucas wearing my shoes. I think b/c of the angle it doesn't look like a 3 year old boys legs so therefore everyone is confused about what is really going on. It was halarious at the time...but I guess you had to be there.Some may think, "Wow Melinda your legs look great!"
And others may think, "Ummm...Melinda, your shoes might be a little too big for you!"
Or others THAT HAVE A CLUE may think, "Wow! Lucas looks great in brown strappy heels, does he have a matching purse?"
Oh how I wish my legs were that skinny, and I am sure the only thing that made you question it not being me is the fact that there isn't a giant scar on the right knee. Ha! Well, at least this is some motivation for me to get my body into shape so that next summer I can post a picture of my own beautiful legs! Kids are just too funny. Sometimes you can't capture it all on camera...and sometimes you can!


Tam said...

You in Tim's shoes!

designHER Momma said...

that's pretty funny...since I thought they looked like lady legs...

The Stamms said...

Jacob likes a pair of blue shoes with heels that are in my closet. It is too funny when he comes trotting out in those!

grubb girls said...

nice legs!