Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Keep it Up!

You see this sleepy lazy adorable dog? Well, he is dreaming about taking more W-A-L-K-S (oh wait I don't have to spell things out on a blog b/c he can't hear me). And I need to walk more also...so I have a plan and need your help!
Ok, so I have to say that all of my friends have been amazing lately. They have been so supportive, laying on the compliments, being extremely nice, caring, and really helping me to feel good about myself again. So much so that I have finally built-up the energy and motivation to start my diet and work out plan again. Both of these take alot of effort and mental capacity that sometimes I do not have, but I just have to do it. My surgery back in February still doesn't have my knee 100%, but I am not going to get there without ever trying to just start jogging again. There are many reasons why I need to do this now, here are a few:
1. I need to have more energy to chase after my children.
2. I need to take care of myself and the body that God gave me.
3. I need to be happy with myself ...or at least the effort that I am putting forward in order to try and do something about this body that I hate...and the lack of self confidence that I have in myself thereof.
4. I have gained four pounds back of the 25 I lost last year and my new pants are starting not ot fit, oh so sad.
5. I am 30 now and it is not going to get any easier.
6. I would like mens (just one really) jaws to drop when I walk in the door.
So, with that said I am enlisting the assistance of my fellow bloggers and blog readers. I need accountability. I need support. I need motivation. I need love. I need you.


Karen a.k.a. lady fish said...

Hooray, go Melinda! Here's to getting in shape for a new wardrobe and the dainty things that would turn that man's head! Just 3 times a week to get started, remember that! And yoga counts, too!

Anonymous said...

Karen has really got me thinking about walking, jogging, maybe running. The key word...thinking. I haven't started doing any of those things. I'll help you if you help me!! :)

houseofeling said...

you can do it! I'm feeling the dumps too lately.

The Johnston Family said...

so, have you exercised today?? Get a move on it lady!! (just being accountable) =) you can do it, you've done it before, you've seen results, just keep telling yourself that. love you!! Here's a challenge: You cannot blog to us every week unless you have had 2-3 days of exercise in, in-between blogging. You can easily spend an hour+ on blogging and reading blogs, prioritize your time the best you can!!

Unknown said...

Sounds like a great idea Jamie...and the other great thing is we can either do it with the kids (or at least try to get more than 20 steps like last time) or we can meet without the kids! Later sounds better to me!

The Sandoval Family said...

You wanna only drink water with me for a month? I hear you see results from that after only a couple weeks. That means no strawberry daquiris though. Okay, maybe we can allow ourselves one cheat every week. Only problem is that can we wait to start this until after I get back from vacation??? teehee
Love you!

Anonymous said...

I agree...we should go in the evening! :)

Tam said...

You're starting to motivate me.

Amy Neubert said...

Let me know if there is a race that you want to walk/run/turtle together.

Anonymous said...

Melinda-Michelle from Decatur.OK lets get started. We don't have a place to walk in the country, so Sara and I have been walking in town. Just a little a day, then work your way up. Food on the other hand is the hard thing for me. I've been trying to watch very close as to what I put in my mouth.Some days I do great and others not so good. Water,Water, and more Water. (Really helps fill you up) Well I will check back in next Sat. (Leaving now to walk.) M

Anonymous said...

Well, good luck with it all! If it helps, I need to get started on getting back in shape post-baby, and I haven't been very motivated either. Plus, Joe signed me up to do the 5K in Indy in May; I hope I can get started soon.

Anonymous said...

Hey Mel- Jaci- It is hard to get started but once you start to lose the weight and see the way that you feel about yourself and the way that others react to you it makes it all worth it. I am here for you. The only thing that keep me going was the support from my family and my ww group ( that and standing on the scale in front of my meeting leader every week!!) You can do it.

Melanie said...

i'm here for you girl! we'll support each other:)