Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Fun Weekend

Well, we started out the weekend with a trip to the waterpark on Saturday. There is a great park in Plainfield, their parks department amazes me. Why do we live in the "burg" again? Not sure. We didn't take the camera, but I would highly suggest if you are looking for a nearby place to spend an afternoon having fun in the water...go here.
Then on Sunday we got to go to the Brickyard 400 Nascar race in Indy. Thanks to my beautiful friend who is the best wallcovering rep a designer could ever have, I got offered tickets on Thursday and knew Tim and Lucas would love it! Thanks Misty! We didn't take Lilly b/c of the noise (she cries with thunder), but my friend Meghan watched her for us and we took her husband with us. Not sure that that was a fair trade off for her...but we do love her for it! The race was great, Lucas was pretty excited to see the race cars and the seats we had were AWESOME. They were right across from the pits at the end of the straightaway, and we could see turn 4. They were way up high, but under a roof (thank God since it was melting weather). Lucas actually picked Jimmy Johnson before the race started b/c that is "grandpas car" (he works for LOWES)...and he actually won! Guess we should have put some money down somewhere!
Here was our view of everyone singing "Star Spangled Banner", it was pretty cool to see all the pit crews lined up.Gentlemen! START YOUR ENGINES! Here is Lucas and daddy at the beginning of the race, Lucas was really great about wearing his ear muffs, he actually was trying to put them on before the race started!
And about 50 minutes into it, he was beat and crashed out on daddy. I think the water park from the day before was catching up with him...and it was nap time.
Can you see Lucas on Tim's shoulders?
After a little nap, we took sleepyhead for a walk to wake him up and walked under the track to the infield. Here is the "new" Pagoda.
We got to check out the pits up close and personal. Here is the Cheerios team. I think Lucas thought it was pretty cool to watch them change tires so fast.
So, only thing missing was Uncle Eric...should have made the drive down Uncle E! We would have loved to have you! Hope everyone else had a great weekend too!


Tam said...

Wow, what a great weekend! It's good 3 year olds can sleep anywhere! Glad you made it, Melinda! Tam

designHER Momma said...

looks like you had a pretty fun time! guaranteed my 3 year old would have NOT passed out. UP ALL THE TIME WOOHOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

That kid will sleep anywhere! James can do that too. I wish Neil would! Glad you guys had a fun weekend! We'll have to go to the waterpark together sometime

Melanie said...

that picture of lucas konked out is hil-arious. wish i could fall asleep like that. fun weekend!

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad you had such a great time and could use the tickets!
