Monday, June 02, 2008

Years ago...

Found some old pics of us and thought I would share now that I have a scanner!
Here is Tim when he was little, what a cutie!! Can you see the curls under the hat? Need to get Lucas into something fun this summer...should probably get in on that now!
Here is me about Lilly's age...And I wonder where Lilly gets her chapstick fetish? She LOVES to rub chapstick all over her face...(and has even gotten ahold of Tim's deoderant). Nice! Hasn't gotten into any lipstick yet but I am sure that isn't too far away!
So, do you think our kids look like us?


The Sandoval Family said...

It's funny... I usually think Lucas takes after Tim and Lilly after the bishop girls. But in these photos I think opposite. I think Tim and Lilly resemble each other and Lucas is the spitting image of you in that photo.

Melanie said...

couldn't have said it better myself steph!! your kids look so much like you mel!

Anonymous said...

It took me awhile to figure it out, but I think I agree. Lucas looks more like mommy and Lilly like daddy.

Tam said...

Interesting. Lucas does have your eyes. Never thought of Lilly looking like Tim. She still reminds me of Grandma Bishop with her smile. I'll have to look closer next time. Wonders .................

The Johnston Family said...

you are just all so cute! lucas does look most like you when you compare those pics =)