Wednesday, June 04, 2008


First corn on the cob outside on the deck! Yummm!
I guess you only need those front 8 in order to eat corn on the cob!
This is about the only vegetable Lucas eats (without a fight)...guess we need to fix corn on the cob at least once a week this summer!! Have you had your corn fix yet?


Melanie said...

the corn never had a chance, they are going to town! love it, so adoreable!

The Johnston Family said...

sounds good! need to get some ourself...I bet allie would even try to eat it like that...and she could probably do it with no teeth!

Joes Noise said...

Dont eat corn, to bad they didn't make a corn tastin tofurky corn on the cob. He he. But your kids sure love it kudos to them.

houseofeling said...

we are eating corn for lunch as we speak! Love it when it's fresh...

Sheila said...

We have had our corn on the cob! It officially feels like summer after that first corn on the cob! Yummy!

The Sandoval Family said...

Need to go get our first corn on the cob fix. I like mine with lots of butter and salt. Yummo!