Saturday, June 14, 2008

The Zoo

Headed out to the zoo with some friends on Thursday! It was a hot one but the kids had a great time...I think they actually did more chasing of eachother than looking at animals, but whatever wears them out, right?
These were the monkeys at the zoo. you think they didn't want their picture taken?
Amy and Sydney who treated us to our zoo day! Thanks!!
Tambi the 7,200lb. elephant saying hello!
And we got an extra special treat to get our picture taken with Tambi b/c we have secret in's with the elephant keeper! Thanks Nikki!! Gotta love the zoo.


The Sandoval Family said...

We are due for a trip to the zoo this summer. Looks like fun especially meeting the elephant.

Melanie said...

that's pretty cool getting up close and personal with the elephants!

Tam said...

That elephant was real? I love the monkeys at that zoo! Gram