Thursday, October 02, 2008

Throwback Thursday...Time Flies

Thought I would share some old pics, all within a week of today;
1, 2, and 3 years ago. Growing up fast.
Miss Lilly and mommy.
Lucas, last year on the new deck.
2 years ago. Hanging out with his girlfriend. 3 years ago. I think he has finally grown into those eyes.


The Johnston Family said...

i just love my niece and nephew!! wish months wouldn't go by sometimes without seeing them =(

Tam said...

Never stop hugging them, and I mean hugging them good. But, Melinda, you're a good hugger from way back! At school when the kids ask,"What do I get for "whatever," I tell them, "If I could, I would hug you, but I can't do that." They just look at me sometimes or say, "Why not?" I take that as "I would like that." Gram