Wednesday, October 29, 2008

At the Root of the Problem

So my tooth had been bothering me for awhile, finally made a dentist appointment. The day before I went I was in the worst pain ever...seriously comparable to child birth. I would have to say I have a high pain tolerance, although any time I say that Tim starts laughing...hmm. I am not sure if it was the pain itself or just the fact that it is located in your mouth, close to your eyes and ears and brain that it hurts so horribly. Essentially (as my dentist explained) my old filling had cracked and was allowing bacteria to fill the inner cavity of my tooth which then infected it (for those who wanted to hear the facts). The dentist did give me some penicillian and pain meds so I have been better this past week, but he referred me for a root canal. Yeah! And I got to experience that joy this morning.
Wasn't really sure what to expect, different stories from different people. It's horrible, it's fine, no big deal but you'll be sleepy all day, one friend even told me that you can eat chips at Hacienda right after, and one worried I wouldn't be able to go to meetings the next day?? needless to say I wasn't sure what to expect.
Of course you go in and they are very nice and explain the procedure is and what they are going to do. The specialist shows me my tooth x-ray and explains how deep my issue is and that he hopes he be able to keep the tooth...but he won't know until he drills it all out...what?!
Let me just be up front now. I hate going to the dentist. Always have, probably always will. And as they told me last week, I am just one of those lucky people who hold bad bacteria in their mouth and therefore that is the reason I get cavities easily. Great, so really when I say that I hope my kids get my husbands teeth (b/c they are perfect and he has never had a cavity), what I should really be saying is that I hope my children gets my husbands bacteria non-holding capabilities? Interesting.
Anyway, back to the the tech is prepping me and wants to know if I would like a pillow, blanket, or headphones. I went with the headphones thinking maybe the music would drown out the drilling, (not quite). They numbed me all up and asked if I wanted some Gas (Nitrate?) to help me relax...Yes, who wouldn't? So as I get kinda sleepy and numby and start to pretend that I am not really there...then they shove this rubber "mouth keeper opener" in and the drilling begins. Now, I haven't had a cavity filled for quite awile and according to the tech who said the experience would be similar forgot to mention that she is really lying and the drilling would be twice as horrible and twice as loud (even with music blaring). And in regards to that metalic teeth burning smell, well I would rather stick my face in a dirty diaper.
So, they finish up their root drilling and then the doc informs me that I will need to come back tomorrow to finish things up b/c my tooth insides are inflamed and need to settle before he can fill it in. Hmmm, wonder why they are inflamed? So with the glass half full, I have something to look forward to tomorrow. And as I type this five hours later the numbness is now finally wearing off, which means I should probably go and take some more meds. Overall, I would rate it in the middle of easy and horrible. Although eating chips is not an option. Hope your Wednesday and Thursday are filled with just as much fun, and a little less drilling.


Anonymous said...

I so feel for you! I absolutely hate the dentist (more than reasons than one haha). I will be thinking for you and sending you lots of love. Just take it easy and I wouldn't advise eating chips..soft foods, mexican rice and beans from Taco Bell or mashed potatoes/gravy from Kentucky Fried chicken are much better and filling!


The Sandoval Family said...

Nitrate is awesome! Had that before when I had a cavity to take care of. Don't laugh... I gave birth to Madi without an epidural or pain killers, but pain in my mouth???? Forget about it I can't handle it.

grubb girls said...

awww...hope you feel better. i had to have a root canal when i was 8 mo. prego and he did it in three different days - less stress he said - WHATEVER! hope you can rest all day friday and over the weekend!

Anonymous said...

I do have to say that you're smile was pretty funny when you're face was half numb! Seriously, though, I hope you feel better soon!

Laurie1024 said...

I thought of you today and hoped it went as well as it could. I hope he's able to finish tomorrow and you'll have it behind you. I'll be thinking of you tomorrow too! Take it easy.

Melanie said...

that makes me hold my cheek while i read! so sorry girl! feeling any better?? posted those pics of joe...

Tam said...

Oh my. Let us know of the next chapter. I don't know where Tim got those perfect teeth--not from his mom and dad!

Anonymous said...

I had a couple of root canals a few years back. I had one day and the next day I had so much pain that I did not know what to do. I called the dentist who did the root canal and wanted drugs (he only said to take tylenol). I explained to him my pain and he said, sounds like you have another tooth with a problem. Since I was leaving the next day for Vegas, I went right in and had my second root canal in as many days. I can't say I had much pain. He did give me vicodin and I took one when I left for Vegas and was sleepy all day. After that I only took tylenol for pain. but I really can't say the whole experience was that bad. I envisioned much worse. That contraption to keep your mouth open is probably the worst part of it.

Ann Clark

The Johnston Family said...

the drilling is awful and I also hate that burning smell...but we both made it through our first root canals...go "bishop" girls! Hey, how come I'm the youngest and I had to go first with the experience? Gotta love those bishop teeth!