Wednesday, September 03, 2008

School is cool

I don't know about your kids, but my kids think "school" is pretty cool. They actually started last week, but b/c I am a bad mom, I didn't remember to take a picture until this morning. They are both getting so big! They are going to a parents day out program on Wednesday's and Thursday's at a church here in town. It is great b/c they have music time, crafts, they get to play outside, and have a "theme" that they learn about each week. I am really hoping to get the bulk of my work done for the week within these two days so that I can spend more time focusing on them instead of trying to squeeze everything in. Hopefully it will bring a little more balance to our lives and at the same time I know they are learning new things, and building their social skills and making friends. It is fun to watch them grow up and try new things, it is also a little scary to know that it happens so fast.


Unknown said...

No wonder I beat you to school! You were busy taking pics!

Sheila said...

They look so cute holding hands!!!

Melanie said...

i can't believe how big lily is getting! i have jackson in a 3 day program, my older 2 are in school all day...3 in school, one to go!