Monday, September 15, 2008

Get Creative!

I don't know about your kids, but mine (well, only one of them) can be kinda picky about their food. I sometimes try and get creative to make things fun to eat. I think it is also a way that I can get out some of MY creative energy as well. The kids like to get involved too and sometimes it can even be more fun than decorating cookies b/c the possiblities are endless. Here are some easy favorites...
Goofy face pizzas are great.Racecar pancakes are an absolute favorite (you can't see the M&M's that are on the other side, but those are a must as well).
And Monster face apples and peanut butter (with some chocolate of course)
Of course you can see that we haven't really gotten into the "girl" themed ideas yet, but I am sure that princess pancakes are soon to come. I do trying to throw in some healthy foods as well, but Lucas hasn't fallen for the "Ants on a log" (peanut butter on celery with raisins), but if you know of any other fun vegetable snack ideas please share!


Sheila said...

I have a friend who's kids did not like eating she started putting sprinkles on them and now they love them. Not sure how sprinkles would work on veggies, but it seems to work with fruit!

Anonymous said...

I let Jacob dip his food in ranch, yogurt, etc...he seems to really enjoy it and it's worth a shot, right?

The Johnston Family said...

love the apple/fruit faces! i should get more creative in that area, but sometimes that requires too much thought and time! kudos to you!

Anonymous said...

This isn't a snack, but I bought that Jessica Seinfeld book. The whole book gives recipes that you add vegetable or fruit puree. Most of them are pretty good. They are at least a little healthy.