Friday, September 19, 2008

Confessions of a 3-1/2 year old...

Well, I like the fact that 3-1/2 year olds tend to tell the truth, it will definitely be harder to punish them when they start lying. Here are a few examples...
Lucas walks over to me after I hang up the phone.
"I just hid under the table and ate butter while you were on the phone."
"Hmmm... (trying not to chuckle) Well, thanks for telling me, but you know you aren't suppose to eat butter all by itself."
"I know...but it tastes really good!"

All of the sudden from the other room I hear
"NO LILLY!" (followed by crying from Lilly).
I walk in, "Lucas, what just happen?"
"Ummm...Lilly took my car away from me."
"And what did you do?"
"Ummm...I pushed her down."
"Lucas, we don't hit or push your sister. Give me the car and go to time out."
"I don't like timeout."
And just this week Lucas and I are in the bathroom after just waking up. Lucas goes potty and then looks at me "Do you need to go Mommy?"
"Yes" I reply.
"Poop or pee mommy?"
"Just pee."
"Ok, I will put the seat down for you."
"Well, thank you Lucas, that is very nice."
"Don't worry mommy, you have a big butt so you won't fall in. I have a small butt and I can fall in."
"Yes, you are right pumpkin." (As I think to myself at 6am...Did my son just tell me that I have a big butt? Nice.)


A Room to Grow said...

ah, the advantages of having a big butt!

pointing to my chest (because she doesn't know the word), rita asked mine where larger than polina's... my response, "because i'm older. and one day when you are older you'll have them too".

rita rolled her eyes and ran away.

A Room to Grow said...

ps. polina is the real name of our russian exchange student.

Melanie said...

LOL!! love it:)

Anonymous said...

Too funny...Jacob does the same thing. When he pushes Nathan down, he'll run out of the room and tell me. I ask him why and he says "because." He also walked in on me while I was in the bathroom and asked me why I peed out of my butt. Kids are too funny.

Anonymous said...

Oops..I'm not sure that came out right. :)
I think it makes sense...let me know if it doesn't!

Anonymous said...

I have the tattler: Mommy!! Samantha just ate dirt and a fuzzy off of the floor!!

Tam said...

Write them all down--your book is in the making!

Joes Noise said...

Thanks for the laugh, that was great. Not as bad as Serena though when Im getting dressed comes up to me and starts playin with the fat on my belly likes its playdough or something. Kids are just so honest, I love it, I wish they would stay that way.

Karen a.k.a. lady fish said...

James puts the seat down for me, too. It's a kind gesture that I will encourage for his future wife, regardless of the "fat butt" comments.

The Sandoval Family said...

this is TOOOOO funny! Love it!