Friday, September 05, 2008

From one extreme to another...

I am sure you lost sleep last night, wondering what the BIG suprise was...well it may not be too extreme in the overall aspect of life, but it is pretty extreme in our little world. We have been talking about this for about a month, and just putting it off. We would hear little things every now and then "Mom, my hair is in my eyes." But when you asked if he wanted his hair cut he would say "No, I can just push it over like this." I thought at least a trim before school started would be nice since he was starting to look like a shaggy dog at times. But still didn't get that accomplished. So, this past weekend while up at the lake THE TIME CAME...
Cute adorable Lucas really had no idea what he was in for. But we were kinda tired of most of the time it looking like this...
Bed head to the extreme!!! Wonder where he gets all that wave and body?? Definitely not from his mama!
So with popcicle in hand, Tim began his first haircut he has ever given. We started with just the sides and back and was going to leave the top longer like it use to be, but after Tim was done with the clippers, I started scissors on the top and pretty much butchered we decided just to buzz it all! (Can you see the 3" lock of hair on his shoulder?)
I have to say that he is still absolutely adorable. Now those beautiful eyes stand out a little more and I don't even have to think about combing it! The funny thing is I started looking for pictures from the last time his hair was this short, and I determined...
...that he was six months old. Really the fuzz was just starting to grow. So can you get any more extreme from going from the longest hair he has ever had to the shortest? It did take me a few days to get use to recognizing him. The funny thing was that we did this "trim" while Grandpa and Uncle E were taking an afternoon guess who we sent to wake them up! They probably thought they were dreaming! So...what do you think??


Anonymous said...

Love it! He looks absolutely adorable still. Did he freak out during the haircut at all? Good job Lucas if you didn't!

kelmatus said...


The Sandoval Family said...

I absolutely LOVE your haircut, Lucas. You look so much older now!!!

The Johnston Family said...

he does look older and you're right, his eyes stand out more...what a hunk!! too bad hannah and him are cousins! =)

The Maples said...

Looks great! Does he look like Tim did as a kid??? He sure looks it to me...

The Maples said...

Looks great! Does he look like Tim did as a kid??? I sure think it makes him look like him...

Amy Neubert said...

Does the Hess Hair Palace also cut/style little girls' hair? Brian thinks Sydney is starting to look like a mountain sheep.

A Room to Grow said...

The haircut looks great - he's a whole new kid!

The shaggy 'do would go well with the little boys in SoCal, surfer dudes ...

grubb girls said...

lookin' good mr. lucas....i hope you keep it short! it makes him look like such a big boy