Monday, August 04, 2008

Oh Silly Lilly

Well, as I have said before...Lilly likes to eat. I guess she takes after her mommy in that regard, except for the fact that she will eat just about anything which comes more from her daddy. I am glad she is an eater unlike our other child who is not, but she is definitely the messiest eater I have yet to encounter. And even if you think that she can't make a mess of the lunch you have given her...think again. I think she is just really creative and right now this side of her is best shown in her "food art" as I like to call it. No matter how many times you tell her to use her spoon she always resorts to her fingers...
or just the entire fist. And I think there is some confusion to her about the difference between something like yogurt and her other love...LOTION. She loves lotion and if she finds a bottle she will bring it over to you to put some on. Well, what she will also do is take the yogurt (or peanut butter) and smother that all over herself as well. Makes for lots of baths and lots of clean-up duties...ALL day long.
Here is the peanut butter incident. And YES...that is peanut butter smothered all over her legs. So let me tell you the story behind the picture. Lucas and Lilly were both sitting at the peninsula counter eating pbj's for lunch on their stools. Lucas was having poop issues (a whole other blog) and needed to go and sit on the potty. Thinking Lilly was content with her pbj, I went in the bathroom with Lucas to read some books to him. When we came back out (after no success) this is what I encountered. Lilly was now sitting on top of the counter and was covered with peanut butter. There was one bonus to had not yet been coated into her hair (which use to be her favorite thing to do with food). She looks so innocent doesn't she? I had left the pb out so I could eat some celery and pb and obviously she found the open container just too tempting. Let me just say that peanut butter is not something that comes off very easily...and by the end of the wash down in the kitchen sink, I was pretty much covered in it as well. Ahhh...good times.

I will let you in on a tip though; One good use of peanut butter other than eating it is to remove gum from hair. works. My mom had to do it with me and my sisters a number of times when we were little. For some reason pb greasiness works great at working the gum out hair, it isn't a quick process but better than having to chop your little girls hair off after her sister put gum in it! Right Tiff?


Anonymous said...

Too funny!

Melanie said...

Holy cow that is hilarious! But this is helpful...Now, if anyone needs to know, I will tell them that yes infact there is approx 2 toddlers legs worth of peanut butter per jar:)

designHER Momma said...

let's just say that I would !!!!freek!!! if that happened to me.

better you than me.

Anonymous said...

Kelley would have a heart attack!

grubb girls said...

those pictues make me sooo nervous! i would not be able to handle that kinda mess! i love my girly girls who hate to get messy at times like this!

A Room to Grow said...

oh wow, she looks so different than your last pics! more girl, less baby! she's growing up soooo fast!

Unknown said...

The funny thing is...this really didn't suprise me. It was more of a Seriously Lilly? Peanut Butter? Wow.

Sheila said... that just looks like way too much fun!!! I suppose there is always a messy eater in every family, mine happens to be Makayla our 2nd child.

The Johnston Family said...

i just have to find the pictures of you and me that look just like Lilly...not including the peanut butter legs or yogurt...just the face similarities. And yes, i've even used the peanut butter trick on daycare kids before with gum or other sticky substance stuck in hair. =)