Thursday, August 21, 2008

How does your Garden Grow?

Oh Lilly Lilly, Quite so Silly
How does you garden grow?
With water here, and sunshine there,
And a lots of love and a little cheer...
That's how my garden grows.
I thought this picture was just too precious not to share.
Lilly is such a great helper...not sure if it is the girl thing or just a different temperment, but she is much more interested in trying to help do most things than Lucas is. Although not everything is always as helpful as she thinks it is (like "folding" the laundry that I have already folded), most of the time she is just too cute to stop. The garden has been prosperous this year, really thanks to the God's rainy weather earlier in the summer since I tend to forget about it sometimes out on the back acre. We have had lots of cucumbers and squash. The tomatoes are beginning to turn red and pretty soon I will have them coming out my if you want some please come on by!
Thought I would share our favorite garden recipe this year:
3 cucumbers, quartered and sliced
4 roma tomatoes, quartered and sliced
2 green onions, chopped
generous salt and pepper
sprinkle of sugar
1 cup of light mayonaise
Mix all together and Eat!
I am guessing this would only serve 2-3 people since I am pretty much guessing on all of the amounts b/c it is kinda one of those eyeball recipes. So just keep adding stuff until it tastes absolutely perfect! Eat healthy!


Anonymous said...

That's quite the garden and the picture of Lilly in the garden is too cute as well! I'd love to have some squash...Joe didn't grow any this year in his garden. Too bad we're not headed that way anytime soon. Oh well...enjoy some for me!

designHER Momma said...

you know I need that recipe, did you have me in mind when you posted it?
