Thursday, August 28, 2008


Ok, so I guess I am losing my mind. Alright, if you read the previous blog already then I will apologize. The wedding is not this is next weekend and the fact that I just lost a week in my brain is pretty sad. It took me till about 1/2 way through the day to even realize that. I know there is an excuse about being pregnant and forgetting everything (don't even think it!) but what about after actually having the children and them actually sucking your brain dry. Or maybe it is the giant stack of mail which I know contains a giant stack of bills to pay along with the giant stack of reciepts sitting here, but at least I got through the giant stack of dishes tonight, and I only have one more load of laundry to fold. Am I honestly losing it? I did have a bad morning and locked my keys in the car this morning. Am I really just that flighty blonde? I hope not. I do feel overwhelmed lately and I am definitley ready for a long weekend at the lake!
Good news though...I have one more week to lose a few more pounds! Whooohooo! Let's get to it! And don't forget to vote on the dress! So far it is unanimous and for this vote I may have to work on a certain tan line...


Anonymous said...

I call it Mommy brain. I have it too! Don't ask me what I did last week, but you can ask me when one of the kids pooped last! I get in the car to go somewhere and I have to go back in several times because I forget things. I get to where I'm going and I still forgot something! Don't worry I remember I still owe you $$$!

Anonymous said...

I agree w/ Jamie! Total mommy brain...I wonder if it's lost completely or if it comes back after the kiddos are grown??? I'm keeping my fingers crossed for all of us!

designHER Momma said...

what's mommy brain? Ha!

Enjoyed my trip outside waiting for hero while braking my fever...