Monday, August 25, 2008

Drama Drama, too much drama

Really, a girl can only take so much drama at once. The past fews weeks were just mounting and last week I think I had reached my pivotol moment and just needed to scream myself. But instead it came out as tears. I should have written a post like this. I have worked WAY too much the last few weeks and my client is nothing but drama. Carpet drama of all things. Tim has been working long hours as well which makes for essentially the house and everything that goes with it getting ignored. Needless to say I did about 7 loads of laundry this weekend.
On top of work drama I have the regular 1-1/2 to 3-1/2 year old drama of crabbiness, not sharing, wrestling, pushing, not listening, timeouts and little things like peanut butter mishaps. And to top all of it off...poop drama. Yeah, that's right...Poop drama. Very dramatic poop drama filled with screaming, sitting on pillows, not wanting to do anything b/c he is so backed up. Then he started screaming while going I took him to the doctor and he has urethraitis and a small tear you know where. Well, at least that helps describes the drama. Sooo, baking soda baths every night and hydrocortizone. One issue I believe has been resolved the other not so much. I can really only take so much screaming in one day (cudos to those moms out there who watch oher peoples children as well). And it gets crazy b/c it is a cross between feeling sorry about his issues and him hurting, but after about a 1/2 a day of screaming and drama I just tend to scream back "If you would just go poop, it will stop hurting!" Seriously child. I have spent hours in the bathroom holding him, rubbing backs, describing how poop works and why he can't hold it in forever, and I think we have read every book we own...twice. I have realized that maybe I would make a good birthing coach though..."Ok, relax. Deep breaths, in and out. Now on the count of three lets give a really big Push!"
So, thinking and hoping that this week will be better all the way around and looking forward to an upcoming long weekend for sure. Here are some fun pictures of the kids when they make me laugh instead of scream.
Lucas pushing Lilly in the babydoll stroller.And nicely taking turns pushing Lucas...although I don't think she was really strong enough to push him on the stoller that was really only made to hold 2 lb babydolls. Too cute though. Hope your past week was a little less dramatic than ours.


The Sandoval Family said...

Have you read "Everyone Poops" to Lucas yet?? So sorry you are going through all of this right now.

A Room to Grow said...

I think I would go nuts if I had to deal with two children, not to mention two toddlers, and not to mention poop drama. Motherhood is definitely the harder job EVAH! Hang in there!

A Room to Grow said...

I think I would go nuts if I had to deal with two children, not to mention two toddlers, and not to mention poop drama. Motherhood is definitely the harder job EVAH! Hang in there!

The Johnston Family said...

it only took about half a year for Hannah to be done with her poop issues! Hang in there, hopefully only a few more months to go! =)
have you decided on your luxurious vacation spot yet, without little poopers?? =) you must get away soon!

Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear about your craziness, but it's good to know I'm not the only one with drama in my life. Good luck and I'm sure it will get better soon!

Anonymous said...

Elle is also going through the not wanting to poop thing. She holds it and then it hurts when she goes. The talking and rubbing and holding isn't helping her either. So like a bad mom, I have been giving her a cup of full strength apple juice everyday. She tries not to go, but that apple juice works wonders. So pooping is still full of drama, but it just doesn't last the whole day.

Anonymous said...

I meant to say this in my last comment, but I jumped the gun with the publish button. Good luck. I hope you find something that helps.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a fun time over there....I just babysat 2 puppies and thought I'd freak out....good are so cute and getting so big!