Tuesday, September 25, 2007


Maybe it was lack of a deck or just too much going on, but the last two weeks have had more playdates than all summer it seems like. First were the Kearney boys, then Grubb and Elling girls, and tonight Neil came over for a little while.
Playdates are alot of fun for two reasons;
1. the kids get to hang out and play (and get worn out to take good naps)
2. the moms get to sit and gab while the kids entertain themselves...usually.
This is Ethan and Lucas chasing trucks...or Wrigley.
Mr Evan showing off his slide skills.
Miss Piper pushing Miss Ashtin.
Hiding in their "fort" under the Hammock. Lucas was totally outnumbered this day...5 girls and him.
Two train conductors- Neil and Lucas.
And the three man band. (Dave's son a drummer??? Noooooo.)
Actually it was pretty cute tonight b/c everywhere that Lucas and Neil went Lilly was sure to follow...I can see Lucas getting annoyed with that in the near future! (Reminds me of my tag-a-long little sis!)
I love that my friends all have kids the same ages and they all love to play with eachother...I will relish the moments for now I guess!


houseofeling said...

we must get in a few more outside playdates before the weather changes! So fun!

Unknown said...

It's wonderful to have great friends so close. Lucas and Neil look cute in those hats! Neil actually uses a drum and drum sticks, Dave uses air drums (his fingers and the steering wheel)!!

The Stamms said...

Looks like fun! Too bad we live far away!

The Johnston Family said...

of course you loved your tag-a-long-sis....she was and is the best to have around!! =) even when she was annoying. wish we were all closer to have more cousin play dates!! miss you guys!!