Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Rehauling of the Deck...

If you really want to know what we have been doing in all of our spare time for the past two weeks read on...
This was our deck before June 8th. Might not look too shabby from afar but the railing was coming off, the deck boards were rotting away and Lucas could fit through some of the rails and got his head stuck once between some others.
So we started the destruction of the deck. Tim and his dad tore off the rail and old deck boards, one by one.
By the end of the day it looked like this and we were ready to dig new post holes. (We did get to reuse half the old structure...that saved us a little money).
The two-man auger...it does cut through gas lines just to let you know. Nothing exploded, but it does go to show that if a propane guy comes out and tells you that he thinks it runs around the deck and not under it...maybe get a second opinion.
Lucas thought maybe he would make a better post...luckily there was no cement in this hole yet! See the little shovel? He dug that all by himself. (jk!)
My dad helped this past weekend. Anyone reading this blog that feels the need to screw in some nails please let us know! As you can see we have gotten the rail posts set and most Pergola posts...yes a pergola. (That is what those wood structures are called that "shade" your deck, I have found out that about 65% of people don't know that word). Starting to look better already.
The deck use to be two levels and everyone seemed to fall down the one step you couldn't see and it broke the deck in half which wasn't cool. So, we re-did all the joists to raise it to one level. We are also moving the stairs to the end. Should be pretty sweet when it is done. We will definitely have a few deck parties...hopefully sooner rather than later.


Anonymous said...

It looks awesome. Looks like a lot of work though! I would offer my husband but I think he needs to make that decison himself!

Anonymous said...

Wow!! That looks like a lot of work. Can't wait to see the end result.

The Stamms said...

Looks great! Keep up the hard work!

Karen a.k.a. lady fish said...

Man, I've got an urge to put some screws in! It's just too bad, a shame, really, that I live all the way out here.

I thouht it was a gazebo, no, wait, a pagoda, a jambalaya (I kid, too). I loved having a pergola at the old place. I learned the word from watching "Ground Force" on BBCA.

Anonymous said...

I thought Tim was pretty handy? So, why did he hire some skinny guy that slightly resembles him to come work on the deck?