Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Morning Smiles

Messy morning cereal face
When I was taking a picture of Lilly, Lucas says "Me Too! Me too!"
(His pj's say Handsome just like daddy! ahhh!)
Gotta love mornings when there are smiles instead of whining. Lilly is doing well with cereal and baby food. I have too admit I have not been looking forward to the mess or time, (you tend to get use to your child being able to feed themselves) but it has been fun. Lucas loves breakfast, usually when you get him out of bed the first thing out of his mouth is "Oatmeal mama?"
And if you look closely you can see the new kitchen color! Not 100% done yet, but will blog the "new look" soon!


The Stamms said...

Cute kids! Good job guys!

Anonymous said...

Your kids are so cute!! I can't believe how time flies. Let us know if you are ever in Northwest Ohio, we would love to see you guys!