Sunday, June 24, 2007

Gotta Love Garage Sales

Miss Lilly standing (leaning) all by herself.
Lucas learning how to share...(the table is 1/2 Lillys).
This is my garage sale bargain for the week. $25 for the train table, buildings, trees and probably about 1/2 the track you see. It is compatable with the Thomas tracks and trains we already have so that just sweetened the deal. Tim says we have too much stuff which is true, but my question is how do you pass up 10 cent toys? If you decide you don't want them 2 weeks later you can donate them to goodwill where they will sell them for $1.
Even in the rain...the sales must go on!

1 comment:

houseofeling said...

I will side with tim on this one, your house is the mecca of toys and fun. Piper loves going to play at Lucas' house.