Thursday, April 23, 2009

Tubey Thursday

Well, Miss Lilly had her first surgery this morning. She got tubes put in both ears. She was only out of our hands for about 25 minutes, and the staff at the hospital was great, but it is still kinda hard just thinking of your baby going through that. She has essentially had an ear infection since December and the doc said they were puss filled today. It was kinda a rough morning, but by tonight she was back to her normal self. I have heard these work miracles, so we are excited to see a big change. Hopefully once her ears heal up we can stop doing these breathing treatments. We are excited for the warm weather to actually stick around and are hoping to stay out of the doctor's office for awhile. Thanks for your thoughts and prayers!


Melanie said...

awww, how sweet is she giving a breathing treatment to her stuffed animal!! So glad she is feeling better. She's too cute not to!

Unknown said...

yes, that is her favorite stuffed animal "lion"...we don't get too creative with names around here. ;)

The Johnston Family said...

she's getting to be such a big girl!! Here's hoping and praying along with you for the nice weather and a good healthy and safe summer!!

Jamie said...

How is she doing now?

Unknown said...

She seems to be doing ok. hasn't quite completely kicked the cuahg yet...but has started sleeping through the night! yeah!