Sunday, April 19, 2009

Simple Smiles

The simple joy of coloring eggs brings so many smiles. It was really fun to watch with the kids last weekend. They really enjoyed coloring "monsters" on their eggs and then make them mostly pink and green (their favorite colors). Not sure where monsters come into play on Easter, but once Lucas does something Lilly wants to follow suit.

And here is whole bunch once we were done!
How many eggs did you color this year??


Melanie said...

Cute!! And love Lily's Easter dress. I miss you! Glad you guys had a great Easter weekend:)

Sheila said...

Myah has the same shirt as Lilly! Looks like you guys had fun coloring eggs. Believe it or not we didn't color any this year. We had just got home from Spring Break the day before Easter so we kind of ran out of time!

joe said...

The eggs look great! well done. We couldn't find white eggs this year (a rare commodity here) so we just had to settle with chocolate eggs.

designHER Momma said...

looks like fun! We got all crazy and dyed eggs with silk scarfs - don't ask. Martha Stewart is full of evil.

Susan said...

Glad you had a good Easter. I know Jacob had a blast coloring Easter eggs and going on an egg hunt too (twice)!!!