Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Taking each day as it comes...

Seems to be my response as of late when someone asks how I/we are doing. Nothing has really changed, kids still seem to be fighting off ear infections and we end up at the doctor about every two weeks (can't wait till those bills start rolling in). Lilly got a second round of shots today for her double ear infection and if those don't work the next step is tubes, which I am fine with as long as it actually works.
She is getting to be such a big girl. She has really been loving on her babies lately and dressing them and wanting things "just a certain way" (have no idea where she gets that from). She is DEFINITELY a two year old and everything is MINE. She adores her older brother, doesn't like kisses from the dog, loves to "dance" with daddy whenever she can, and is content just to be sitting in your lap. She is doing good in her big girl bed...but we have found her playing in her room in the middle of the night (probably due to waking up with the ear infections), and once at nap time I heard a noise after I thought she was already asleep. I open the door and she was trying to reach the wipes on her dresser. I ask what she is doing and she turns around and says "wipe eye" and it is then that I realize her face and hair are covered in Vaseline...nice. If you don't remember this pb incident, Lilly LOVES anything that is like lotion and I had obviously screwed up and left the vaseline within reach. Not really as messy as pb, since vaseline is actually made to absorb into your skin, but needless to say her hair was kinda greasy for a few days. So the next step was the Paci, but it is hard to take that away when she is not feeling well. So we thought we would jump on the potty train...but the girl does just not seem to get it. Underwear, pull-ups, naked. She just doesn't seem to understand that she just peed, care that she is wet, or even bother to tell us after the fact. If you ask her if she just peed she replies with "I am fine"...well that is funny b/c you are sitting in a puddle of urine. So needless to say she has sat on the potty 30 times in the last few weeks and not a single drop has made it in. We will keep trying though, one day it will have to click...right?
Lucas is supposedly on the mend, his double turned to a single and he just finished antibiotics for that one and the doc peeked in his ear yesterday and thought it looked good so far...we will keep our fingers crossed. We are still doing breathing treatments once a day until "flu season" is over. Below is a picture of Lucas having his dino get a breathing treatment, similar to this pic with santa, but kind of ironic since he is in dino pj's and his dino is in robot pjs...for some reason I just think that is funny.
He is your typical four year old boy (from what I can tell). Definitely testing his limits and boundaries (every second). Wanting to eat all the time...but only things he likes of course. Asking ALOT more questions than ever before, about how something works, why something is the way it is or why that particular person in the movie did it this way or that way. No more quiet movie watching for us! This was our conversation a few weeks ago while we were driving:
"Mom, when are we going to cut all the trees down?"
"What? What do you mean? Why would we cut the trees down?"
"Well, I figure we need to cut them all down to fix them."
"Why, what's wrong with them?"
"They are broke. If we cut them down then we can tape all of the leaves back on them."
(Well...that is on way to do it, I thought...and I went into the explanation of the seasons, reminding him of fall and spring and all that jazz). I guess when spring hits I will have to make sure we watch all the tiny buds starting to grow on the trees. So fun.
Another conversation I did not really think I would have with a four year old (but why not?) was at the dinner table. In between trying to get him to sit still and actually eat some applesauce he says, "Mom, why is Jesus hanging up there?"
I turned to look where he was looking (wondering if Jesus was standing on the deck), then I saw the crucifix hanging next to the sliding door. So I began to tell the story about why Jesus died on the cross for us (interupted by alot of WHY's?) and that we keep that cross hanging there to remind us of how thankful we should be that our sins are forgiven b/c he loved us so much. He seemed content with my answer at the end of the conversation and I realized how amazing and open such little minds are. And of course I was reminded how Jesus is everywhere and always watching over us no matter what, and if it wasn't for that I am not quite sure where I would be.


A Room to Grow said...

Sounds like we saw you just before all of the sickness hit! Hope we didn't bring that nasty ear infection from California! Michael and I were just saying this weekend that it's amazing that Rita hasn't been sick once since she came home. I was sick all last week, and Michael had it over the weekend ... but so far Rita is fine. She must have an awesome immune system having lived with a million kids!

ps. Call you this weekend - Michael and Rita are gone Friday - Sunday!

The Johnston Family said...

thanks for the lucas and lilly catch-up stories. i wish we could see them more often, don't really get the feel of who they really are when it's just a weekend here and there. Thanks for the reminder that God is always with us and just waiting to talk with us if we just actually slow down in this busy world.

joe said...

This is such a great post. I love the conversations with kids. Just today Cole asked how god made all the water in the ocean without getting wet.

I hope your duo gets well soon.

Anonymous said...

It's a good thing we are blessed with children that remind us that God is around all the time.