Tuesday, February 10, 2009

My new Creative Outlet...

So, I have started a little hobby that is both fun, creative, and even green! Maybe this will go somewhere and maybe not, but right now it is the perfect outlet for me to use my God given ability and have fun at the same time. I have so many ideas in my head and hope to get even more detailed and intricate since really what I have done so far is pretty simple. I have wanted to post a blog, but wanted to be able to get a few under my belt so you can see a variety of what is available (so you can think about what you are wanting next of course!)
Below is the 1776 American flag which I did for a client of mine.
The reason this art can be considered "Green" and Environment friendly is because I am taking old vinyl wallcovering samples that would have normally been thrown away and instead am placing them into art. So you not only get an amazing custom art piece with great pattern, texture, and color but you are also helping the environment! The canvas' can either be painted, or completely wrapped in wallcovering and if you want to go really green, we can even use cardboard instead!
So below are some pictures of the pieces I have done so far. I will do a bit of explination of each one and how it came about. Most of the pieces have been inspired from different images found in many different places.
I had this idea of this type of art in my head since last fall and really just needed something simple to get it started. When I saw my nephews new bedding for his room, I thought this would be a perfect way to see if my idea could work. Then for Christmas I did a coordinating truck as well.
This was for my brother-in-laws bathroom and I took the giraffe image off of their new jungle themed shower curtain.
The elephants are an image I saw in a PB Kids Catalog, I actually embellished the ears and bird's wing with beads, but that final pic is on my other camera.
This was my first "commissioned" piece by a friend of mine. It is now hanging in her dining room and looks amazing. She found a picture online that she liked and we took that concept and converted it to three painted canvases. Then using multiple nuetral patterns, and a touch of flair out came a very simple and organic art piece.Here is a close up so you can see the different patterns and how they compliment each other.

This is the first original original from MDH (meaning I just made it up). It is more of a modern piece that I did for a friend of mine who actually is a product rep for the wallcovering and has given me lots of discontinued samples to play with. Thanks Misty!

And this one is actually for her boss. He hasn't seen it yet, so don't ruin the suprise! I wanted to do something for his new office and since I know he loves both wallcovering and golf- how can you get any better than this right?

Honestly, the pictures really don't do these pieces justice because there is always a glare and the details just do now show up. But I would love to get your opinions. It is alot more fun creating different things for different people, working with the colors they are wanting or colors they have existing in a room. I love to hear their ideas for what they are looking for and then trying to figure out how I can help them create something they will love. Let me know if you have a blank spot on your wall you need filled!


Anonymous said...

I have an idea for a special someone's birthday but I can't leave the idea on the comments because I know she reads them!

Anonymous said...

good or bad light...they look good.

Anonymous said...

I like them all but I love the one that has the 3 together and mine!! I think Steve is going to love his as well and you are so right that he loves those two things! I'm glad you found something that you want to put your passion and creativity into!!!


Amy Neubert said...

Wow. Your talent is amazing.

Anonymous said...

Wow...that is quite a talent! You are really amazing!

The Johnston Family said...

awesome job as always Mel! So glad you are finding something enjoyable right now!

Tam said...

My favorites are the giraffe and organic work of art. The golf clubs and wall coverings can't get any better for that boss--this is really using your talent!

Anonymous said...

I Love them. They are so neat. I have a blank wall. Michelle

designHER Momma said...

they are awesome! great creative outlet. When we gonna get together and do a playdate/bloggy makeover on you?

Melanie said...

i love these!! the series on the mantel with the vines?? totally me, love it. Need to touch base and brainstorm.

Karen a.k.a. lady fish said...

etsy will be calling you soon...ask Jamie to help set up an account! Those are awesome!