Tuesday, February 03, 2009

interesting find

I was planning on showing some snowman/snowball pics but can't seem to find my camera...which is a little worriesome considering that the last time i used it was outside....in the snow. hmmm. So I was using our old camera today and found some pics that Lucas had taken over the last few months and thought since I hadn't posted any "Infamous Lucas pics" in awhile I might as well blog about something!
Of course you have the "toy" pictures...they were tons more but I will spare you a picture of each of his different cars.
I thought this pic was great b/c it captures what Lilly's hair looks like 70% of the time. It's called fine 1/2 curly hair that is always in knots...is there a name for that?
and this was a great close up of why I don't typically let Lilly wear white clothes...
there are always funny shots of daddy when Lucas is doing his photog, he is so photogenic isn't he?
and this was my favorite this time around. a little dark, but such great detail! Gotta love a 4 year olds mind at work! There are a few more I will save for another day. And please say a prayer that I can find my other camera...not in the snow.


Tam said...

These are too great. Just think--some day maybe he can tell you what he was thinking about when he took them--maybe--photographer-in-the-making.

Anonymous said...

It's interesting how 4 year olds see the world