Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Thankful Tuesday

My children are amazing. I seriously cannot get enough squeezes from them. I am definitely not a perfect mom by any means, and I am sure some days I rank lower on the scale than others. Having a two and four year can be interesting with just the amount of things they say and how they say them. Sometimes you are suprised, sometimes you are bewildered and sometimes you just have to smile...or even cry. Lucas was so sweet today, and I would have add it to my top 10 favorites. Random out of the blue he comes up and gives me a hug and says:
"Mom, I love you"
So I picked him up and squeezed him and told him that I loved him too. Then he says,
"Mom, you are the most beatuifulestest girl in the whole world".
And admist the tears that started to roll, I whispered, "Thanks buddy...you have no idea how much that means to me".


Anonymous said...

Awww...that brought tears to my eyes too! Isn't it wonderful when our children are so sweet and thoughtful like that?

Anonymous said...

Oh, and tonight, Jacob melted my heart by telling me, "My heart won't forget you mommy." Awww...I tell ya, these kids are too darn cute!

The Sandoval Family said...

awwwww lucas is so sweet! I can totally picture his big gorgeous eyes looking at you and saying those words. just so you know, I think you are a great mom!!!

Amy Neubert said...

I think you're are great Mom with great kids!

The Johnston Family said...

too cute...God gives them to you for a purpose, and not to always drive you crazy! xoxo love you