Friday, January 11, 2008


My kids are ready for the Veggie Tales Pirates Movie...are you?
This is a silly pirate.
This is a slobbery pirate.If you haven't heard of the Veggie Tales movie that comes out this weekend...where have you been? We are definitely going to hit the theatres and suggest that you do too! Check it out on to see where it is playing by you. I promise you won't be dissapointed!


houseofeling said...

I plan on taking Piper sometime in the next few weeks here also. If I could only get a spare minute...

The Sandoval Family said...

I'm sad that I think my kids are getting close to outgrowing the Veggie Tales. When I asked them if they wanted to go see it this weekend they asked what other shows would be playing instead. Hope you have a great time!

The Sandoval Family said...

so how was the movie?

Unknown said...

Movie was good. Didn't get to watch it all since Tim and I took turns chasing a 1 year old. But Lucas ate popcorn like a champ and thought it was pretty cool. Good moral of course! ;)