Monday, January 21, 2008

Naked Works...but then what?

I am talking about potty training by the way. Asking for any and all advice from anyone who has potty trained a little child, (especially if that little child was a boy). We have been working at this for a little while here and there and he has gone to school in pull-ups for the last month or so and does pretty well there. The best results we have with him at home are when he is naked.
Sooo this past weekend Lucas spent 85% of the weekend naked. We did keep a fire going most of the time to keep his little cheeks warm. (Thanks to my hubby). Lucas did amazingly well. Most of the time he would run to the bathroom yelling "I gotta pee! I gotta pee!" which then Tim or I would stop what we were doing and follow his little naked butt in there (to make sure he didn't fall in and to wash hands etc.) Other times you would just all the sudden here the toilet flush and the lid close (Yes, I am training him in the proper way a man should use the closing the lid afterward!) And half of those times he would be washing his hands by the time you got in there! Impressive!
So OBVIOUSLY the kids knows when he has to go. (Even #2 in the potty both days!) So the question is where do we go from here? We tried some "Thomas underwear" on Saturday...which were wet 5 minutes later with pee running down his leg. I guess we will try that again soon, but I guess I am wondering how you actually get the kid to just decide to do it all the time? What are the next steps in the process...or at least ideas or what worked for you or a friend? Thoughts?? Anyone...anyone??


Anonymous said...

No advice from the Clark household!

Anonymous said...

Well, Jacob is in about the same boat as Lucas...except we keep him in big boy underwear most of the time at home. He hates it when his underwear gets wet! At daycare he does great, but the pooping thing is still a work in progress. Not sure I have any advice, just that one of these days, they'll just "get it" and it will happen all the time! Good luck!

Tam said...

Okay, from what I can remember: When he has big boy underwear on, figure how long he can go comfortably without actually peeing, then remind him it's time to go potty, so he doesn't get wet. If he doesn't buy into this right away, he might later. As far as a BM (bowel movement in my day--see, we were really cool, even then!), he might have a routine--goes in the a.m., so seat him after breakfast. If he goes in the evening, seat him then. My boys had a little tray so they could play with something/book to relax first and they wouldn't mind the time being wasted. Believe me, this doesn't make for a toilet reader! Some kids just need to relax and it will come--same with peeing!--for what it's worth!Gram

Sheila said... is what we did at our house which of course if full of girls, no boys, so I don't know if this will help you out or not. I actually would put their little potty seat out in the living room so it would remind them that they were suppose to be using it. If you feed him some salty pretzels and give him some water to drink then you can figure about every 20 mins, give or take, he will probably need to go. So I always planned on having a few days in a row where I wasn't planning on going anywhere so I could keep up with taking them to the potty.

So don't know if that will help but that is how we did it over here at the Browns' house! Oh ya...we also gave lots of M & M's, a little bribery never hurt!

Sheila said...

Okay....incase you are wondering why the salty pretzels, it is so he will be thirsty for some water! Just thought i should explain that!

Roys Photography said...

Put a car wheel on the inside of the toilet lid and have him sit facing the car wheel so he is staddling the seat facing the lid. He will probably love to go in there and drive the car, this gives him something to play with besides his (mmm) and makes him want to go in there when he has his underwear on. So underwear and ride the toilet. Ye ha. This is what my girlfriend suggested we do when we had Brandon. Or put cheerios in the toilet and have him pee on them, that would be a fun game I guess. Just give him more than one reason to go to the potty.

The Sandoval Family said...

Throw some cheerios in the toilet, turn him around backwards and tell him to take aim.
We also did a little bribery with a little M&M candy dispenser in the bathroom. One M&M for going pee and 2 M&m's for going number 2. (I see my sister mentioned this too) Good luck... Austin was tough to train. We had Madison trained a whole year sooner that her brother.