Monday, December 03, 2007

Purdue Christmas

We got together with our group of Purdue friends (Six couples) yesterday for our Christmas Festivities. It was especially great b/c the Stamms got to join us who live out in Illinois. Below is a picture of all the kids minus Samantha who was sleeping. Everyone is up to two kids still in a belly. The love just keeps growing!
Out of the 20 pics I took of this shot, this is the best shot b/c you can actually see everyones faces. I am suprised we even got them to sit still this long.
Had to show the newest addittion- held by the proud big sister!
Heres the kids table...they actually stopped playing to eat a little.
Heres the studly daddys of the kid bunch.
And here are the women that try to hold everything together. We love that the holidays give us an excuse to get everyone together (and the kids love the gift exchange). A tradition we look forward to for a long time! Thanks for amazing friends!


Anonymous said...

You guys are so cool! So much to share. Love, Gram

The Stamms said...

It was so great to see you guys...and Jacob especially enjoyed running around with Lucas! Hope we get to see you guys again real soon!

A Room to Grow said...

wow, so many children! i can only imagine what mealtime was like around there!

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