Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Trimming of the Tree

Close your eyes and imagine...Soft Christmas music playing, the smell of a roaring fire in the fireplace, twinkling Christmas lights, crunching of homemade carmel corn and two kids filled with excitement that Christmas is coming...
Putting up the Star...
Calling Gram to tell her about the roaring fire...

Decorating the tree...(both of them LOVED this part)

and two elves helping get everything out of the magical bins. may not have been quite so serene as described. But we had alot of fun watching the kids excitement. Lucas telling daddy to dance to the music and Lilly showing off her moves. A couple glass ornaments getting crashed together and jingle bells being shook. A night full of giggling and "daddy daddy look!" And then to awake to a blanket of snow!! Wow! Lucas thought that was the best and wanted to go play in it right away..."No Lucas it is only 5:45 am!!" Hope everyone has their trees up and had as much fun as we did.


grubb girls said...

Cute little elves!

Ashtin wanted to go play in the snow as soon as she woke up this morning too...but that wasn't at any crazy 5:45 in the morning!

Sheila said...

Where's the picture of your tree all decorated? We too woke-up to snow but the funny thing is as your kids get older they sleep in. The girls had a 2 hour delay this morning and Marissa didn't wake up unitl almost 9, Makayla was up around 7:15ish and Myah got up some time between those 2.

The Stamms said...

Jacob loved that it snowed here too...even if it was only a little bit!

The Sandoval Family said...

Where's the end result of decorating your Christmas tree? I loved reading this blog.

Anonymous said...

Watching kids at Christmas is the best!

Tam said...

Reaping the joys of parenthood!! I'm glad Gramps got us a bigger tree. Now we have 2 trees in our house!! I did put one in the kitchen and Gramps is being a pretty good sport about it but still wonders why anyone would want 2 trees in the house??!! He decided I have this need for more light--oh, and I do!!! Love, Gram