Thursday, August 23, 2007

Cookie Monster

So I had given Lucas a little bag of Mini Fudge Stripe cookies, there were only three in there and I know he ate at least one but then a few minutes later he comes over to me and says "Mommy Lilly ate my cookies"...I didn't belive him at first until I walked around the corner...
And there she was covered in chocolate holding the crinkly bag- Caught! Not to mention that there was chocolate all over her dress and the carpet. (We had a similar episode of a stolen banana a few weeks ago). Lucas didn't get as upset about that one though.
Wrigley tried to help me clean up the mess. Lucas cried for more cookies...of course that was the last bag. And Lilly just looked so innocently at me playing her new crinkly bag toy. I think she is going to be a chocoholic like her mommy. Sooo...I guess this means no more snacks out by tv unless supervised or that George the Monkey is not on to distract Lucas from his precious cookies.


Roys Photography said...

That's hilarious. Love it. C is for Cookie that's good enough for me, oh cookie cookie cookie, starts with C. Well hopefully Lucas understands that sharing with his baby sister isn't that bad. But at times he needs to eat a little quicker. LOL.

The Stamms said...

That is too cute. Watch out Lucas! That probably won't be the last thing Miss Lily will take from you! :)

grubb girls said...

...oh just wait! i've discovered it's just easier to have two of everything...even bags of cookies! It has to be even & fair - at this age!

Anonymous said...

I guess she's not allergic to chocolate!! Lucas is practicing his sharing.

Neil says "can I have some"

The Johnston Family said...

miss lilly is a smart cookie!!