Wednesday, March 07, 2007

So cool

Lucas thought he was SO cool this weekend. He loved to wear daddy's sunglasses while we were in the car. He actually wears them on his face now...before he would just put them around his neck! He also got to play his first arcade game (thanks to his uncle Ben). He was actually driving the car though- he took out a few cops and mostly drove on the embankment vs. the road but it was halarious to watch. Now only if I could get one of these arcade games into my living room...that would keep him busy all day!


A Room to Grow said...

sounds like a fun weekend! what a cutie with those sunglasses.

grubb girls said...

lucas - you'll have to come to pinheads with us sometime - you'll love it! tons of games....and candy!

-ashtin & jenna

Anonymous said...

Lookin good Lucas!