Monday, March 19, 2007


Lucas wearing the inside of his Construction hat and safety glasses.
Posing for the camera before he goes outside in the mud...he requested the hat and boots.
Lucas is such a goofball sometimes. But being a stay-at-home mom and also trying to work from home, you really need to have that laughter in between the two year old tantrums. Otherwise...I don't think we would make it through the week!


A Room to Grow said...

I don't know how you get any work done at home! Where does he get the goofball from?

Anonymous said...

Those could be some of funniest pictures of Lucas I have ever seen!
I think "goofball" covers it.

The Stamms said...

That is hilarious! I love it when kids make these funny pictures! It's always great for a laugh.

grubb girls said...

Lucas - you and your sister are adorable in hats!