Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Watching the game from a different perspective...

Four kids in the house...I mean three kids and Tim.
This is Ethan asking his mommy why Lucas is being such a bully and not letting him into the house? Alison looks pretty upset that Lucas is being so unreasonable. Those 2 year olds!
Lucas starting to climb OVER Tim to go out the window.
We got together with our group of college friends to watch the Superbowl on Sunday, most had their children in tow. As you can tell the play house was the most popular place to be. Tim ended up watching at least 30 minutes of the game through the window of this little house. Lucas asked him to come inside and once he was in there, Lucas would not let him leave. It got pretty crowded, but Tim was a trooper! Lucas wants to apologize for being a bully- hope Neil's hands are ok after being smashed in the door! All in all, everyone had a great time- thanks for hosting Maples!


Anonymous said...

Yes, that's my son choking on the pretzels!

Anonymous said...

Did all the kids make it to see the end of the game? Piper saw the first few minutes, she hit the hay before 7...

The Stamms said...

Tim is quite the child...I mean, trooper. Ha! That is still too funny.