Friday, February 09, 2007

All Aboard!

Check out the static hair on Lucas! Neil and Piper were both over to play yesterday. It got a little wild when I set up the Thomas train tent. They all loved it and just kept crawling in and out, screaming, looking out all the windows, knocking it over and then crying when it did get knocked over and then screaming with joy when I would set it back up again. Life can be so emotional with 2 year olds. As you can tell from the looks on their faces they had a the best time...well at least the best 15 minutes...atttention spans can be very short with 2 year olds also. :) Thanks for the tent Nana and Papaw!


Anonymous said...

What's with the spam in your comments? Yukky!

I, I mean James, sooo needs a cool tent like that to play in! Especially cool is the out-of-sight feature when not in use and put away, unlike those plastic houses.

houseofeling said...

oh man...did Piper have fun. When I say Lucas, she says "Toys?" you guys are the best!

The Stamms said...

Looks like fun...Jacob might have to come over some time to play in that tent. He absolutely loves anything Thomas!

Anonymous said...

We need to get Lucas an old engineer hat - do think Purdue gift shop has one? Ha!