Friday, November 07, 2008

The true Superheros in my life

They aren't only superheros on Halloween...
Daddy is their biggest hero of all.
They do make the cutest dynamic duo ever!
Kapow! Pop! Kabam!
Well I do have to say thanks to God for my everyday Superheros. Tim goes off to fight crime at work and make the world feel as safe as he can for his family, and he does an amazing job. Lucas fights monsters, robots and ghosts here at home (but he doesn't fight off my kisses). Lilly mainly fights off her brother and her creative energy is contagous (and is the best hugger ever). Me... well, I just tend to fight laundry, dishes, and dust bunnies (and sometimes a difficult client who doesn't realize that I know what I am talking about). We all have our strengths and weaknesses. We all triumph and fail each day. I just pray that even though things may not be perfect in our little world, that God is watching over us and protecting us b/c he is the biggest Superhero ever.


Melanie said...


Joes Noise said...

You go girl, go fight crime

designHER Momma said...

I love superheros too!

(as long as they use their superpowers for good and not evil) :)

Tam said...

Go Superheroes!! We're still enjoying the Bat Man and Robin duo! But women really rule or should I say get things done when they're suppose to be done!!!! I know. I lived with 4 men! Sorry, guys. I still love you all!!