Thursday, January 04, 2007

Lucas' Birthday

Tim and Lucas in the booth at Pizza King
This is the drink delivering train that goes past each booth
Lucas opening presents from you think he likes it?
Well, for Lucas' birthday yesterday we tried to do all of the things that he loves. I took both kids to the grocery in the morning where Lucas got to drive the car cart (and I got to get groceries). He would just tell me to push faster! Then when we got home Lilly was asleep in the car so I took Lucas out in his wagon up and down the drive until we got cold. Then when Tim got home we went to the park. The sun was setting and it was a little chilly but we did have the place to ourselves! He loved every minute and cried when we left. We decided to go to Pizza King on the way b/c Lucas loves pizza. The pizza itself wasn't very good but there was a train that actually delivered the drinks to each booth. Lucas loved it, but would get mad when he couldn't see the train. Overall it was a good day, he is looking forward to his party this weekend!