Wednesday, December 13, 2006

The Mohawk

Lucas brushing his teeth (a favorite of his) after his bath...check out the hair! The funny part is about this picture that you can't tell by looking at it is that he is checking himself out in the mirror!

So Tim gave Lucas a bath last night and decided to be a hairstylist. (I think secretly Tim wishes he had his long curly hair back so he could have a mohawk too). What was really even funnier than these pictures was the fact that when Lucas woke up this morning it was still there! I guess you don't really sleep on the top of your head so why would it get smashed down? I left it like that all was just too cute.


The Stamms said...

That is too funny. Jacob's hair gets crazy after his bath too. And you never know how it'll look in the morning! Great pictures!

A Room to Grow said...

I like it too!

Anonymous said...

I think Tim should go into hairstyling Lucas is so adorable like that.

grubb girls said...

lucas - cool hair!

Anonymous said...

The first thing I thought when I looked at this picture was that Lucas was looking at himself in the mirror... then i read your caption. haha Too cute!