Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Christmas Eve

Grandpa Hess trying to convince Lilly that she is going to be a TomBoy.
Lucas and Conner checking out the new "acquarium".
The cutest 5 year olds, Sophie and Olivia.
Can you feel the love??
Tim's dad, his six brothers and the woman who raised SEVEN boys! Kudos to Grandma!

Well the Hess' have a tradition of getting everyone together on Christmas Eve for dinner and a present exchange. This year the party was held at Tim's Aunt and Uncles in Fort Wayne. Lots of family and lots of food! Great Grandma was happy to meet Lilly for the first time and Grandpa Steve was happy to show her off to all of his brothers! We headed home late to make it back before Santa arrived at our house...the kids all nestled in their car seats while visions of breastmilk and icing covered brownies danced in their heads!

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