Monday, April 09, 2007

Happy Easter

Chillin out watching the fire...
First you color them, then you dye them, then you cover them in stickers.
Lucas trying to put the shell back onto the egg...
The finale of the dyed eggs (there were 2 casulaties)
Happy Easter from Lucas and Lilly!
Hope Everyone had a good Easter weekend! We are still enjoying ours b/c Tim has the day off today. We accomplished alot this weekend; working on the kitchen, Dying of Eggs, opening Easter gifts, Easter egg hunt (indoors), enjoying a fire (since it is snowing outside!), getting dressed up and going to church, heading up North for a Hess family gathering, eating lots of food (and Lucas being filled with sugar), and then heading home and both kids finally passing out after a scream session...and then today we went to the Children's Museum (but forgot the camera). We were all ready for an afternoon nap. Hope your Easter was filled with as much joy and fun as ours. We are truly blessed!!


houseofeling said...

your eggs look great! Looks like you guys kept busy over the long weekend!

Anonymous said...

What gems! We love Lilly with a smile with Lucas on the couch, Lilly-Bud with her paper towels, and Lucas and Neil as best buds. You are all truly blessed and so are Gram and Gramps!